Friday, July 13, 2007

Algorithms and Lipstick Shades

Seems like an unlikely combination but not to Hewlett Packard.

Scientific American wrote about HP's recent announcement of a new service that aims to use images, algorithms and wireless technology to help women determine the best colorings for their skin tone.

"The biggest issue with cosmetics is selecting the color," says Nina Bhatti, principal scientist at HP labs. "This is a common pain point—women can't find colors that look good on them."

Simply snap a photo of yourself holding color swatches and HP will run "them through sophisticated image-processing algorithms, and returning scientifically based recommendations for the shade of foundation, lipstick, blush and eye shadow that best suits a person's skin tone."

This comes along around the same time that IconNicholson announced their new "Talking Mirror" - both very interesting ways to use technology to solve classic problems for consumers.

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