Wednesday, May 30, 2007


And a cult following was born...

The Future of Mobile

Another great post from our buddies over at PSFK. This video is very exciting. We've heard a lot of rumors as to how mobile will change our lives but this makes it ever so real by demonstrating just how.

One thing missing though -- all of the lovely advertisers interrupting these helpful experiences with their messaging.

I guess we can dream, eh?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Long Live the Queen

In a trend-tracking tangent I found myself flipping through Time's list of 100 People Who Shape Our World. It turns out Queen Elizabeth II has never given an interview and has "resisted the temptation to seek acceptance through reinvention."

Communication today has evolved and people have come to expect opportunities for dialogue with brands. What happens to those who still hang on to the previous model of one way communication? After all, opening up the conversation could lead to loss of control and potential criticism.

Where is the fine line between evolving with the people you serve and protecting your brand integrity?

What are we fighting for?

Blocking online ads with art-

"The AAA’s CEO is artist Steve Lambert (, who was most recently in the news for a project he’s developing at Eyebeam called AddArt, “an extension for the Firefox browser which removes advertising and replaces it with art.”

Art Unexptected

"There is no point in putting Art in museums and galleries, people completely expect that now-adays".
-Andrew Andrew

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The down side of efficiency

The quest for efficiency: when is it economically smart and when is it killing your workers and creative thought?

Even Toyota is suffering in spite of itself. Will Toyota's efficiency kill Toyota?

Above chart: The X axis is years, Y axis is recalls in units of 10,000. Toyota has 1,880,000 recalls in 2005. The chart compares Toyota with the recalls from the other two major Japanese automobile manufacturers.

Could this also be said about ad agencies? Selling creativity: does this inherently kill the purity of the idea? Does the efficiency factor drive us to produce under par work?

Who Said GPS Couldn't Be Fun?

Those crazy smart kids over at PSFK posted about this today and my curiosity and love for Orange mobile drove me to check it out.

This is only the newest of GPS/ Mobile/ Entertainment projects we've seen launch this year. Pioneers like Dodgeball and loopt are already experienced in this trend of geo-playing around.

Too bad my old-skool, not-so-smart phone is so behind the coolness.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Prez Debates To Be Held Online

Proof that the web has officially made its way into the lives of middle Americans.

I have to admit that although clever, I am slightly annoyed with candidates' use of MySpace to rally troops around their campaigns. However, I love this idea. It will be interesting to see which types of web 2.0 features they use to bring this event to life online. Live chats anyone?

Find out more here...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Future of Blogging

What is it anyway? We debate this alot. Fewer words. More stimulus. Greater Experience. Real-time technology. How do we engage? (I follow the greeting card model: More than 10 words on the inside and I quit reading). What's the answer?

Giving Something back...

AmEx. Every once in awhile, they really do something that speaks volumes. Here's to giving back (I know, I know, it's still all about the money), but I appreciate ugc-based giving movement. Great site usability and design = Easy to give to others. Nice.

It's a UGC Celebration!

KFC has tapped into YouTube content to create a mash-up of "celebrations" using everyday folks.

See the ad (scheduled to debut during the May 22nd American Idol Finale) here.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Let's try this again...

We're back and stronger than ever. Prepare yo-selves!

-The Chicken Guzzler and the Kitty Talon